Thursday, July 31, 2008

aPa JaDi PaDa HaRi RaBü?

wednesday, 30th July 2008. my day started as i woke up at 9.30a.m - right after i received message from wan nurul asking for my consultation (huhu..) whether she should come to the classes for today. well, as an expert in the field of presenting myself to class, i advised her not to come.hehe..
as soon as i entered the very first class,a permanent resident of the north pole, pingu (according to nazri) was busy doing his presentation though more than half of the class (i believed) including me did not pay any attention towards what he was presenting.sorry,'s normal and we are used to it.hehe..(that is the main reason of no one asking any questions after the presentation)
then, we had our literature class.poem of the day, woman work by maya angelou(1928) - straightforward, understandable and no further assignment was assigned based on this poem (this is the most important part)..
the class ended @ 1.33p.m and we live happily (not ever after,unfortunately) for the rest of the day since there was no class in the evening..

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