Back Row (from left): Me, Chris, Qedah, Mon, Bobo, Nazri & Terry
Front Row (From left: Sya, Syafiq, Tajul, Pie, Hafriz, Niza & Anchuk
Front Row (From left: Sya, Syafiq, Tajul, Pie, Hafriz, Niza & Anchuk
spt yg dijanjikan, smalam tlah berlangsungnya Majlis Rumah Terbuka @ Makan2 di umah aku. Special utk ember2 aku je.bangga!
i'd like to thank all of my friends who were there yesterday.glad that you guys came.hope all the juadahs were good enough for your throat.LOL..
my special thanks to :
My Housemates
Anchuk, Solomon, Qedah, Firdaus & Chris (Zizi couldn't make it)
My Neighbours
Nazri, Hafriz, Niza, Pie & Tajul
My Female TESLians
Wan Nurul Firdaus, Kak Intan, Syahirah, Aimi & Izlin
My Friends from Sec. 18
Bobo, Terry & Syafiq
Anchuk, Solomon, Qedah, Firdaus & Chris (Zizi couldn't make it)
My Neighbours
Nazri, Hafriz, Niza, Pie & Tajul
My Female TESLians
Wan Nurul Firdaus, Kak Intan, Syahirah, Aimi & Izlin
My Friends from Sec. 18
Bobo, Terry & Syafiq
thanks for coming. datang r lagi nnt. knduri 15/11 nnt ye.sng je nk cari umah aku tu..
thanks to Qedah who brought a camera..
(rajin bebudak ni - wan & sya - tlg basuh pinggan.bleh r jadi pmbantu umah aku.LOL..)
(makan2.jgn malu jgn segan..)
(aku, nazri ngan kak intan je prasan kamera tu.yg laen, smua khusyuk tgk tv..)
(mai kite posing.hepinye Tajul..)
(posing sebelum balik)
to aimi & izlin: sori, xde gmbar korg.smue gmbr ni diamek dari kamera Qedah.sian korg,sbb dtg lmbat..
x mengapa firhan..
gmbr kitorg byk di camera nazri, hafriz, izlin dan aku..
hehehe :p
jgn lupe dtg rumah ak weekend ni plak k?
ye..akan aku usahakn..
mmg nk gi sgt..
firhan..thanx sgt x gile..
ps to ur gile d feast!
sume aku sapu..sume kueh aku bantai..
burrrp...perut ketat weh..
thanx again!;p
nnt aku gtau mak aku..
nnt dtg r ms knduri ye..
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