tagged by NIZA SYAZRE
State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.* The 5 people I tag are then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.
1. I am talkative (xyah ckp pun, org tau)
2. I love to eat. (ade org x caye fakta nih..)
3. Singing in the toilet is something that I HAVE to do. otherwise my toilet bowl will cry.huhu. (xcaye, dtg r umah..)
4. I love the smell of something new..(cam brg2 yg bru beli kat kedai tu.gile,kan?)
5. I rather sleep at home than to accompany any woman for a shopping.
6. Sometimes, I do 'melatah'. diulangi, sometimes @ kadang2.. (aku sje je wat kdg2 tu, niza..)
7. My current fav. song is Apa Artinya Cinta by Melly & Ari Lasso n Kita by Nieyl..
8. I'm a quite sensitive human being..(kdg2 cpat sentap)
9. I love cooking, but I hate wahing dishes..
10. I truly, madly, deeply in love with my 2 cute nephews. I'd rather sacrifice my life for them..
11. I spend most of my time - surfing the net..
12. I don't play video & pc games..(dah tuo.x layan bndo2 camtu dah..)
13. I wish to become a PM one day..(statement camni, x kna ISA kan?)
14.Teaching is my passion..(you'll know once u become a teacher..)
15. My favourite artist is Amy Mastura..(smpi mati aku xkan ubh pndirian..)
The tagged blogger,
Who To Tag?
1. Tatie (Tatiana Izudin.name gleme tatie yg aku sorg kasi..)
2. Izlin
3. Duang @ Ridzuan
4. Shafie @ Pie
5. Kak Aisyah Ishak
Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Dilancarkan Meriah di Galaxy Land
21 minutes ago
aku tag kau balek!
yummy...i like...full wit attitude...interesting...x bole blah..yg kadang2 buat melatah..
wah...nk gune statement "toilet bowl" jugak la lpas ni..huhu...;p
izlin tu dalam pink! Yayyyy!! Tapi firhan, aku dah buat dah yang ni. nk kna wat lagi ke?~ huhuh.
tatie,mane aci tag balik..
niza,toilet bowl aku je yg nanges.hehe..
izlin,x kire.kne wat gak..
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