Saturday, December 20, 2008
Lamenye x MaSuK bLoG.. aKu Di'TaGgeD'
Ahmad Nazri bin Jelani. b4 him- Ahmad Niza Syazre Abdullah
What relationship do you have with him/her?
My friend. Very good one & My Rakan Seperjuangan (at work place & faculty)
Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
1. Charismatic
2. Kelam sket (macam r aku x kelam.huhu..)
3. Really LOVES cars.
4. He got a rhotic r tongue.hehe..
5. Currently in a relationship..
The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
cam gay r plak nk jwb soklan nih.hehe..kidding..
If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
ha! Gilo kau???!!
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
knock his head until he becomes a leprechaun.hehe..jgn marah ye..
If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
his sex (jantina r.hehe..)
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
because I steal his gf.huhu..
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
dunno.but i think they're great..
The character for yourself is?
The most ideal person you want to be is?
Rasulullah s.a.w..
For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
They r awesome.
Ten people to tag.
1 Kak Aisyah
2 Niza
3 Tajul
4 Liyana
5 Izza
6 Rdzuan @ Duang
7 Izlin
8 Hafriz
9 Aimi
10 Nazri (aku tag balikko.huhu..)
Who is no.2 having a relationship with? should i noe.ask him..
Is no.3 a male or female?
Totally Male.
If no.7 and no.10 were to be together, would it be a good thing?
Gilo Kau??!! (kali ke-3) adegak yg pindah kua dr umah 503, Blok 10 tu nnt..
How about no.5 and no.8?
God Friends..
What is no.1 studying?
When was the last time you had a chat with them?
1 Kak Aisyah - last day of sem 5
2 Niza - mase knduri kawen abgku..
3 Tajul - last nite
4 Liyana - last day of sem 5
5 Izza - dah 4 kurun kot.huhu..
6 Ridzuan @ Duang - last few days on hp..
7 Izlin - mase knduri kawen abg aku gak
8 Hafriz - same r ngan awek die
9 Aimi - last week mse gi umah die..
10 Nazri. an hour ago..
Is no.4 single?
Ask her yourself. i guess so.
Say something about no.2.
do you noe al-ghonam.that's his lost long cousin.hehe.jgn marah ye niza..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
BuSy, bUsY, BUSY!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
MïNgGú YäNg MéNyÈrÖñÕkKáN..
that's the only word for this week. i got a new lover (guess what.huhu..), i have my last paper, my brother's wedding ceremony,i got part time job.all those things fall on this week. Syukur..
since today is our last paper, we're gonna have an 6 week holiday before the new semester starts on Dec 29th. my housemates n i went for a so-called interview yesterday. we'll start our part time job as data entry starting next Wednesday.can't wait for my own 'gaji' (oopps.. ter'code-mixing' plak)
to all my frens, i am inviting all of u to my brother's wedding ceremony tomorrow.
time: 12p.m - 4p.m
No.7, Jalan Harapan 5-O/KU7, Taman Sungai Kapar Indah,
42200 Kapar, Selangor.
menu: nasi minyak pun knduri kawen..
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tag Mengetag..
State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.* The 5 people I tag are then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.
1. I am talkative (xyah ckp pun, org tau)
2. I love to eat. (ade org x caye fakta nih..)
3. Singing in the toilet is something that I HAVE to do. otherwise my toilet bowl will cry.huhu. (xcaye, dtg r umah..)
4. I love the smell of something new..(cam brg2 yg bru beli kat kedai tu.gile,kan?)
5. I rather sleep at home than to accompany any woman for a shopping.
6. Sometimes, I do 'melatah'. diulangi, sometimes @ kadang2.. (aku sje je wat kdg2 tu, niza..)
7. My current fav. song is Apa Artinya Cinta by Melly & Ari Lasso n Kita by Nieyl..
8. I'm a quite sensitive human being..(kdg2 cpat sentap)
9. I love cooking, but I hate wahing dishes..
10. I truly, madly, deeply in love with my 2 cute nephews. I'd rather sacrifice my life for them..
11. I spend most of my time - surfing the net..
12. I don't play video & pc games..(dah tuo.x layan bndo2 camtu dah..)
13. I wish to become a PM one day..(statement camni, x kna ISA kan?)
14.Teaching is my passion..(you'll know once u become a teacher..)
15. My favourite artist is Amy Mastura..(smpi mati aku xkan ubh pndirian..)
The tagged blogger,
Who To Tag?
1. Tatie (Tatiana gleme tatie yg aku sorg kasi..)
2. Izlin
3. Duang @ Ridzuan
4. Shafie @ Pie
5. Kak Aisyah Ishak
KëMéRdÈKãAn Yg SéMëNtÃrÁ..
CAUSE: Assignments
EFFECTS: blog was left out-dated, body got less rest, eyes - less close, open more.
CONSEQUENCE: mad, sleepy, hungry & almost dies.huhu..
but now..
everything's done. all assignments had been submitted. there's nothing else to worry about except for exam. damn it!
it's ok. my next paper, Arabic Lg. 3 is on Monday the 10th. 7days from now and my very last paper, Sociolinguistics is on Friday the 14th. phew! just a day before my brother's wedding ceremony. i am so lucky..
moral of the story: do not procrastinate.start your assignments earlier..
story that always comes with the moral: i'm damn so lazy. we can wait until at the end of the sem to finish them off.hehe..
to my juniors: please do start your research proposal earlier. if u don't, u'll cry.huhu..
Monday, October 20, 2008
BöSáN + TèNsËñ + MáLàS
berkata aku pada diri,
assignment banyak lagi,
tapi aku masih di sini,
menanti dan terus menanti,
entah ape yang aku tunggu lagi..
menambahkan kebosanan,
lalu diri menjadi segan,
membuat tugasan,
ibarat memikul beban,
seberat satu tan,
aku bagai lemas di lautan..
sudah ibarat nafas,
setiap hembusan bagaikan sebati,
dengan diri ini,
pembosan, pentensen, pemalas,
Friday, October 17, 2008
SeKäDáR MèNgïNgãTkAn..
Reading Test Evaluation (TSL 591)
Course Design + E-Portpolio (EDU 555)
Presentation - Sons & Lovers (TSL 571)
Assignment to be submitted on the first week of examination..
EDU 540:
Research Proposal (ni yg plg hardcore skali)
Mock Research
mari la kite manfaatkan cuti 2 ari yg diberikan pd kite next week iaitu pd ari isnin & slase..
(smbil wat keje,mkn kueh raye)
pembuat assignment,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
MéKäSèH sËmÚã..
Front Row (From left: Sya, Syafiq, Tajul, Pie, Hafriz, Niza & Anchuk
spt yg dijanjikan, smalam tlah berlangsungnya Majlis Rumah Terbuka @ Makan2 di umah aku. Special utk ember2 aku je.bangga!
i'd like to thank all of my friends who were there yesterday.glad that you guys came.hope all the juadahs were good enough for your throat.LOL..
my special thanks to :
Anchuk, Solomon, Qedah, Firdaus & Chris (Zizi couldn't make it)
My Neighbours
Nazri, Hafriz, Niza, Pie & Tajul
My Female TESLians
Wan Nurul Firdaus, Kak Intan, Syahirah, Aimi & Izlin
My Friends from Sec. 18
Bobo, Terry & Syafiq
thanks for coming. datang r lagi nnt. knduri 15/11 nnt ye.sng je nk cari umah aku tu..
thanks to Qedah who brought a camera..
(rajin bebudak ni - wan & sya - tlg basuh pinggan.bleh r jadi pmbantu umah aku.LOL..)
(makan2.jgn malu jgn segan..)
(aku, nazri ngan kak intan je prasan kamera tu.yg laen, smua khusyuk tgk tv..)
(mai kite posing.hepinye Tajul..)
(posing sebelum balik)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
ÜñDáNgàN RäSmÏ..
No. 7, Jalan Harapan O/KU,
Taman Sungai Kapar Indah,
42000 Kapar,
Butiran rumah terbuke adalah spt brikut:
Tarikh: 11/10/2008 (Sabtu)
Masa: 1 p.m
Kalau kwn2 xtau mane ltaknye Kapar tu, jom r kite b'konvoi bramai2 ke umah saye pada ari sabtu ni. saya mrancang utk b'gerak dari umah sewa di seksyen 17 ni pada pukul 12.30 t/hari..
Datang ye..Jangan tak datang..
pÉrGäDùHãN MäYá..
funny.i really think it's FUNNY..
dah2 r tu,x gune nk gaduh2 dlm blog ni. xde bawak ke mane pun. kalau dah kne perli dlm blog tu, wat donno je. x smestinye bnde tu ditujukan 'specially' utk sape2.kalau mmg obvious gile tulis name pnuh tu,saman je police station.wat report.settle..
kalau agak2 xnak kne perli @ marah @ hentam dlm blog,wat baik je ngan smue org.
xpun, susah2 sgt, tutup je blog n x yah bace dah blog2 org la zaman friendster balik..
kalau ade yg trase ati, i'm so sorry. kalau yg rase ade wat salah kat sape2 tu, ngaku je r salah.senang je.bkn kne byr pun..
'wrestler' maya,
Friday, September 26, 2008
SëLáMàT hÃrÏ RàYá (عيد سعيد وكل عام وانتم بخير)
Don't forget the assignments! hehe..
Maaf Zahir & Batin
penyambut hari raya,
HaRi Ni TeSt = EsOk CuTi
Esok cuti,smoga b'bahagialah kalian dan diri saye..
Dah nk gi test ni..
penjawab test,
Thursday, September 25, 2008
BöDö!! (dgn sore yg sengau)
Bä WàU DãL WäÚ Ha !!
äPé Yg BöDö??
LiÑé TeNeT nÍ r..
kDg2 Laju, KdG2 lEmBäP
nGaLaHkAn SïPúT BàB*..
(x baek kate kat org laen bodo di bullan puase ni..)
yg geram,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
dulu _D i A_ tak suke _ d I a _. skrg _D i A_ dah boleh gelak & b'tepuk b'tampar dgn _ d I a _.
dulu aku dgr rmi org kutuk _ d I a _, tapi aku senyap je sbb xde bukti dan sbb _ d I a _ kawan aku dan baik budaknye. skrg ni, org2 yg kutuk _ d I a _ dulu, dah boleh sembang baik2 as if they never said anything bad 'bout _ d I a _ before.
dulu aku pun hampir t'pengaruh dgn kate2 org, tp nasib baik x..
ni skadar nk bgtau, x baik kutuk2 org kat blakang.ape2 pun, die tetap rakan seagama Islam kite.
srkg aku syukur sbb semue dh jd baik.nak2 plak dh dkat nk raye ni kan.buang yg keruh, amek yg jernih.mari kite kuatkan ukhuwah dan tali persaudaraan kite.jgn biarkan umat Islam berpecah..
skrg aku suke tgk _D i A o R a N g_ semue dah macam sehati tu r kawan..
Takbir !! Allahuakbar!!
* entry ni bkn utk ungkit ksah lame,tp sbg panduan kite b'same.yg baek jadikan teladan, yg buruk jadikan sempadan..
muslim yg suke b'kawan,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
MäLáYsìAñS + cÖùRtèSy = NO! (???)
kici snyum je tnda puas dpt tmpt duduk.aku ckp, "it's ok, ladies first". kate2 hikmat aku tu didengari oleh seorg kakak yg mrupakan org dari ngr luar rupe2nye.die duduk selang satu seat dari kici. sblah kici tu, aku rase mak kpd kaka tu. die ckp kat aku camni,
"One month in Malaysia, this is first time i heard someone said 'ladies first',"
aku tergamam. bukan sbb die puji aku, tp sbb truknye rakyat malaysia selama ni. xde ciri2 kesopanan lgsg. penat2 je lgkh2 yg slame ni diambil:
- tmpal arahan kat tingkap komuter srh bg org tua, wanita mngandung n sape2 yg lg layak utk duduk.
- krajaan kua bajet wat iklan siap suruh adlin aman ramlie b'lakon dok dlm komuter jd org kurg ajar.
- komposer cipta lagu & lirik "Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita" & suruh Dato' Hajah Siti Nurhaliza nyanyi. sian kat Siti, dh die nyanyi, korg xnak ikut..
- krajaan promote ngara kite kat org luar.bile diorg dtg, indah khabar dari rupe..
- & mcm2 lg bnde yg dah dibuat..
sbg rakyat Malaysia, klu x byk pun, tunjuk r skit yg kite ni ade ciri kesopanan & kesusilaan. sia2 je hafal Rukun Negara (tu pun, klu korg hafal r)..
wat malu aku je bile akak tu ckp camtu..
So, Malaysians..Please, show some courtesy! Ksian kat parents korg ajar & anta korg blaja kat skolah klu korg x praktikkan. mengbihkan bogheh yo..
rakyat yg prihatin,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
HäHáHàHã a.k.a iNï àDä SáTù NäSiHàT 2..
human make mistakes. so do them. if they give u a compliment, perhaps it's a sign that you should forgive them.thus, as future educators, bare in mind not repeat the same mistake..
a soft-hearted student,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
iNï àDä SáTù NäSiHàT..
if u still insist on practicing it, i suggest you not to hate other students that you do not favor or don't ever say 'You Will Fail' to any of them. this is a sincere suggestion + advice + a little bit of experience..
we are educators. we should treat them EQUALLY. and if you are to treat them unfairly, you'd better QUIT. you are DISQUALIFIED + NOT EFFICIENT + UNETHICAL to be an educator.
from a sincere student..
Monday, September 15, 2008
äDéKaH sEmUe PoMpUaN cAmNi?
- kua mlm & blk pagi ngan jantan lain..
- critekan kburukan x-pakwe die..
- mnyalahkan x-pakwenye dlm smue hal..
- menghasut org lain utk benci x-pakwe nye..
- membuat sesuatu yg hny akn mrugikan diri sndri padahal x-pakwe die tu x rugi ape pun..
semue ni dibuat utk srh ex-pakwe nye rse b'salah.btol ke?
klu btol r ade pompuan camni lg atas muke dunie ni,saye dengan pnuh rase hormatnye nak bgtau yg ex-pakwe anda tu x rase b'salah sedikit pun atas muke bumi ni sbab smuenye dilakukan oleh anda dan anda yg dpt dosa2 sbb ngumpat.die dpt lg byk pahala ada r..
be professional.klu dh break tu,jgn wat bnde2 will harm u,not him..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where is Allah?
As heart beating,
As mind thinking,
We can never run,
Asking to find
Answer – not for fun
Where is The One?
Creations that we see,
Air that we breathe,
Water that we drink,
I know there is a Creator,
That creates us together.
We ask all this while,
Where are you, My Lord?
Because we forgot,
You are always by our side.
Just think of the wind,
Neither can be seen,
Nor be touched,
But we believe in it,
As we feel when it blows.
Allah is always by our side,
He is forever here to guide,
Only we human often disregard,
And forget He will always in our heart.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Ahlan Ya Ramadhan..
i guess it's not too late to wish 'Selamat Berpuasa' @ 'Happy Fasting' (???) to u guys..
raye lg 3minggu.lmbt lg..
so, selagi mane kite dlm bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak ni, jom r kita wat byk2 ibadatberganda2 pahala kita dapat..
renung2kan dan selamat beramal.. =)
utk budak fakulti pndidikan UiTM shah alam yg ada klapangan masa kat fac, jom r gi Tadarus Al-Quran:
masa: 12.30tgh ari setiap hari isnin - khamis..
tempat: surau lelaki (student lelaki) & library kanak-kanak (student pompuan)
see u guys there..
Ihya' Ramadhan (hidupkan Ramadhan)..
ï'T's BeÈn A wHíLe..
busy + assignment + test + malas = x online..
maka,dgn formula di atas,aku x la dpt nk tulis blog.lgpun,aku dh xtau nk tulis pasal ape..
kawan2,tlg bg idea skit..
*pening memikirkan assignment creative writing lg ni.huhu..
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tak Bisa Memilihmu
Dalam ruang dan waktu,
Sendiriku jalani sepiku, tanpa dirimu,
Resahku tanpa hadirmu,
Sungguh berat hatiku untuk merasakannya
Salahku mencintai dirinya saat jauhku terpisah
Darimu, Dan hadirnya menyentuh hatiku,
Untuk cintainya,
Hatiku pun inginkannya,
Hingga runtuh setiaku kepada dirimu
Ku sakiti hatimu yang tulus mencintaiku….
Maaf ku tak bisa memilih dirimu
Karena kuterhanyut mencintai dia
Inilah salahku yang memberi ruang
Di dalam hatiku tuk mencintainya…
(terhanyut jiwa ini, terjatuh dihatinya)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
hÖLiDãY = tHë EñD..
Composer: Copyritgh Controlled
Lyricist: fyrhunt
berlalunya sudah cuti mid-sem,
seminggu bercuti,
tiba kuliah kita jayakan,
test pun akan menjelma,
anak muda dari rumah,
semuanya tiba ke kota,
lecturer pun keriangan,
memberi test kat kita semua..
bertukar 'toyol' dan nota,
tutur kata biarlah senyap,
pandang kanan dan kiri,
itulah petua kalau nak meniru,
jangan pulak salahkan aku,
macamlah aku tak tahu,
korang semua dah wat dulu..
notepad juga pen,
beraneka warna,
gunalah jangan hanya dipandang,
nota dan slideshow,
sila ulangkaji kawan,
penat lecture wat sampai ke pagi..
wajib kena buat,
semua assignment kawan,
kalau tak takde la markah,
asyik bersembang,
siswa dan siswi sayang,
jangan lupe ade banyak test lagi..
student laki nyanyi
student pompuan nyanyi
nyanyi same2
(sila nyanyikan lagu ni ikut tune macam lagu Suasana Hari Raya yang Anuar Zain & Ellina nyanyi tu ye..)
note: lagu ni sesuai dinyanyikan waktu tensen blaja mahupun menjelang peperiksaan dan juga ujian2.kalau nk lagi best,nyanyi lgu ni ramai2 mase jam@17 yg ethos! wat tu.hehe..
kEsÏLáPãN sÉöRáNg YàNg BeRnAmÀ mÄñUs!A..
kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh seorang manusia terhadap insan lain mungkin terjadi kerana kita sering alpa mengenai perasaan orang lain. tetapi, kadang-kadang manusia itu bukan sahaja ingin menyakitkan hati insan lain. mungkin juga tersalah membuat percaturan dalam mempelajari tentang kehidupan. mungkinkah insan itu mampu dan akan mengampunkannya? itu yang penting. sedangkan Nabi ampunkan umat. kita hanya mampu berserah..
kalau sahaja bisa ku ulangi waktu
pasti ku halang perbuatan lalu
membuat diri kini termangu
berharap, menunggu apa yang akan terjadi padaku
mungkin juga kerana alasan dan sebab-sebab lain membuatkan kita melakukan kesalahan. atas nama manusia, kesunyian kadang-kadang membutkan kita mencari 'keceriaan'. namun, percaturan yang silap membuatkan penyesalan mengisi kehidupan. jangan disalahkan orang lain. cermin dahulu diri sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan..
bilakah semua ini akan berakhir??
hanya kepada Allah s.w.t insan ini meminta pertolongan..
hanya luahan dan coretan hati seorang insan lemah. blog yang ni, aku skema skit.hehe..
Monday, August 18, 2008
ä BúSy WëÉkËnD..
woke up at 6.45 (quite early).bathed.waited for my brother to come and fetch me.went back to cousin's wedding.
arrived.breakfast.watched nephew woke me up.went to the kenduri..
at the kenduri..
dishes: nasi minyak, nasi putih, ayam msk merah, daging gulai kawah..
beverage: tasteless syrup.huhu..
had a chat with sedare-mare.went to another knduri.i didn't know who's kenduri and how do we relate.
2nd kenduri..
dish: same as tempoyak and ikan masin.
beverage: sweet syrup
went back home.
sunday, 17/08/08..
woke up at 9.30a.m. had breakfast. had another knduri. my aunt's neighbour. went there at 12..
arrived.many people.old pak cik karaoke.out of pitch.normal scenario.
dish: same as yesterday.but the ayam msk merah was the best so far.
beverage: what-do-you-expect syrup..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Ampunkan Aku..
Redup matamu memandang wajahku
Jangan menangis..
Memang benar dulu kunci hatiku
Aku kembali di matamu kini
Bukan kerana kamu..
Bukan niatku melara hatimu
Usah khuwatir..
Jika hariku melukai hati
Maafku pohon abadi
Kini dihatiku satu puteri
Yang pasti bukannya kamu..oooo
Ampunkan aku..
Seandainya engkau menangis lagi
Ampunkan aku..
Memang aku bukan lelaki dulu
Ampunkan aku..
Seandainya engkau masih merindu
Ampunkan aku..
Mendung ini pasti akan berlalu
Redup matamu memandang wajahku
Jangan menangis..
Kita lewati saat kau dan aku
Leka menari..
konpem x bleh nk sbut ngan laju cam aku..
sbb ni tjuk presentation grup aku..
aku n d gang je bleh sbut lelaju..
kwak'wala language
kwakwaka'wakw population
Sunday, August 10, 2008
YÖÙ aRë nÖt Gò!nG tO bÉL!ëVè ThiS !!!
we sang 11 songs and the last song was ampunkan aku by Def Gab C.haha.. (for those who know and understand only..)
we planned to sing at Ole2 Bintang Gemilang, but it was full since today is Sunday, Sunday is weekend.thus, it was crowded with people from nowhere.huhu..
nazri, u rock dude!!
tHé nÖt - sÒ - t!r!ñg SuNdÄy..
i had my breakfast with nazri first before we went to the fac together with anchuk. there were about less than 15 crews there (including her) haha..
we managed to do all the jobs in less than 2hours. we had a chat while having nasi lemak and lepak while waiting for our energy to be recharged. later, we went to the intec great hall and 'throw' all the drinks left. one of us (i don't remember who) suggested that we should 'throw' the water into the drain was very fun..
at 3, i went out with nazri - heading to ole2. guest what? we were going to have our therapy using our very own way - karaoke. nazri suggested this.haha..
bËrLaLúNýÄ mËkÃr 2008..
but,it's not over yet.we have to clean up all the mess tomorrow morning at 11a.m..
Thursday, August 7, 2008
MäLáM büLàN dïPàGaR b!NtàñG..
Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Makin indah jika dipandang
Bagai gadis beri senyuman
Pada bujang idaman
Duhai kasih ingin dimanja
Dengan cumbuan mesra
Untuk pelipur lara
Penawar dik asmara
Mmm.. mmm...
Mmm.. mmm...
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Murni sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam
Andai kata bintang menyepi
Bulan tidak berseri
Malam menjadi sunyi
jangan jeles.haha..
hAnYá MeMeRhÄtÌ..
hanya memerhati..
dari jauh..
kHaMiS yAnG iNdAh..
the first day of Mega Karnival (MEKAR) 2008 is so tiring. i'm damn tired. how i feel i could have a sleep for more than 10 hours. but i've bowling tournament 2moro.huhu..
hopefully by winning the tournament would make it worth. MESTI MENANG!!!
i stayed at the faculty for the whole day starting from 11 a.m till 6.30 p.m..
i 've visited ALL the booths for more than 3times but i only bought things from food stall.haha. sorry to those selling stalls perfume and all kind of things which were not food.hehe..
can't wait for the Islamic Fashion Show.i'll be hosting it.hopefully everything will be running smoothly as planned (though i don't plan anything at all). it's been a while since i do the hosting job.kinda nervous.just praying for the best..
Ku LiHat..
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
hArï MeNjErIt SeDuNiA..
today was not a really good and nice day for, to make my day more cheerful and colourful, i went for a screaming session at Pusat Hiburan Keluarga Ole2, Shah Alam.huhu..
my fwens who did not make it for the bowling practice yesterday, had their practice today. i hope they had improved and we'll win the first prize..
SéLàSä yAnG sÏbUk..
then at 9.40 i woke up coz i need to get an article that should be presented next Monday.i went to the faculty with Azizi and met Pn. Roslinda to get our article..
later on, we had a discussion about fanzine (?- is this the correct spelling of it?). we got the topic, we decided to add another 2 subtopics under it - cultures & arts. well, it's our job to make it as interesting as possible.insya-Allah..
after the discussion, i had my breakfast with my class-rep, mr. Nazz J.haha..
we decided to go for the bowling practice at 12.but we need to wait for mr. Pingu (Hafriz) and Pie.about an hour later, we received a bad news (unfortunately) by Pie telling us that Hafriz did not want to come as he was very sleepy and Pie was having this 'alien', we went there with liyana accaompanied watashi wa and datin wan..
another unfortunate event happened there. we had to wait for other bowlers to finish their games since the lanes were all full. but, luck came in and we met the super duper bowler heikal hafiz who was playing - he,him & himself. he invited us to join him.therefore, we didn't have to wait for our turn. while we were busy sharpened and enhanced our skills, the other three musketeers (hehe) went for a karaoke..
i think i am damn ready for the tournament this Friday. and i believed nazri does too. of all the three games, my score were always 100 and above.i think it's considered good for an amature bowler. nazri managed to break his personal high score, by getting the score of 145. i was more than impressed. i wish - we'll win the tournament and win the RM100 of the first prize. Insya-Allah.Amin..
Sunday, August 3, 2008
DaTiN SeRi DaTo' HaJaH s!t! nUrHaLiZa TeWaS..

what?! i juts found out Malaysia no. 1 singer had lost to Nicholas Teo (who the 'heaven is this person,anyway?)
The MTV Asia Award Golden M bar for Malaysia's Favourite Artist is no longer Siti's. I wasn't shocked that Siti lost (coz I thought Faizal Tahir would win), but what shock me the most that she lost to this particular person that I believe many of us do not know..
this is what happened when the fingers judged.well, let bygones be bygones. I'm not Siti's fan, but by looking at the nominees and their qualities, I think the title of Favourite Artist for Malaysia should be won by Siti or Faizal Tahir..
to find out more, click here..
Saturday, August 2, 2008
2 DaYs WiThOuT bLoGg!ng..
akhirnye berjaya gak aku mem'blog'kan diri ini semula.aku x tau ape antu yang dah masuk dlm modem kat umah (s.alam) aku tu.internet jadi 'LEBIH LEMBAB DARIPADA BIASA'.alah bisa tegal biasa.aku pun menyabarkan diri & nasib baik intrnet kat umah kajang ni sgt2 ok..
oN tHuRsDaY,
i managed to get my new ATM card.i was luckier than the previous day.i managed to get it back in not more than an hour. Alhamdulillah..
FrIdAy (01/08/08)
time do fly very2 fast. now we're in August.
saturday - voice talent.haha..
i knew i wouldn't be able to make it to the final.
'suahe senghau' = suare sengau.haha..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
pErLaWaNäñ BoLá TaMpàR (WaNiTa) ===> FaKuLtí PeNdïDïKaN vs. FaKuLtì AkAüN..
Volleyball Match (Female)
Time: 8.30 p.m
Venue: Volleyball Court, UiTM Main Campus..
faculty of education lost 2-0 to the faculty of accountancy. the game started well for the fac. of edu but half of the first set, the opposition started 'to control' the ball and the match..
there will be another match this saturday for the same match and i pray for our victory. go Fac of EDU..
may we become the Champion for the SAF. Amin..
kEhEbAtAn TeKnöLòGi & KeLeMbApÄn MaNuSiÀ bEkëRjA..
Satu Tiga Lima Dua - Kaunter 1..
After waiting for about half an hour (lucky me,that many of them left the bank before they were entertained). impatiently,i went to the counter 1 and start telling the 'kakak' my sad story. she checked my status on the computer and told me that "org Kuantan tak reply lagi la adik.diorang ni memang kadang-kadang camni.lembab sikit." sikit? itu lembab gile nak mampos (quoted from nazz J). later,she asked me to wait for about 8 minutes - waiting for the Kuantan branch to reply the red and important e-mail that had been sent. i opened my account in, they need to get the confirmation from Kuantan branch before proceed with my new ATM card.
15 minutes later..
I was called by the 'kakak' and she told me the most tragic story of the day - the branch still did NOT reply the e-mail. i was so angry and upset and start saying #$%^& things (not in front of her.hehe..) she was mad too. i told the very nice 'kakak' that i will come again today.maybe after class. she gave me three forms to be filled and given to her today.good news is, i don't have to queue and wait for my number to be called. Alhamdulillah..
I do really hope everything will be OK. Amin..
aPa JaDi PaDa HaRi RaBü?
as soon as i entered the very first class,a permanent resident of the north pole, pingu (according to nazri) was busy doing his presentation though more than half of the class (i believed) including me did not pay any attention towards what he was presenting.sorry,'s normal and we are used to it.hehe..(that is the main reason of no one asking any questions after the presentation)
then, we had our literature class.poem of the day, woman work by maya angelou(1928) - straightforward, understandable and no further assignment was assigned based on this poem (this is the most important part)..
the class ended @ 1.33p.m and we live happily (not ever after,unfortunately) for the rest of the day since there was no class in the evening..
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
SeLaMaT dAtAnG kE bLoG pErÏbAdÍkÜ == WeLcOmE tO mY bLöG == Ahlan Wasahlan..
Ahlan Wasahlan..
Akhirnye,ada jugak blog peribadi aku sendiri. Sebenarnye,dah lame bukak akaun ngan blogspot ni, tp baru dapat 'seru' nak tulis isi dalam blog ni..
Should I write this blog in Malay, English @ Arabic language (haha..bajet tere Arab)? Well, I do think that by mixing the language will make this blog interesting. It's my blog, anyway.So, wHo CaReS??!!huhu..
{blog ini dibuat atas sebab mengisi masa lapang dan dlm masa yg sama, membaiki teknik penulisan.. =) }